Download youtube videos: How to download videos from youtube without any software?

YouTube is the most popular site where you get most of the videos freely. Sore rear videos of music, movies etc. are also available here. When you browse through YouTube, I am sure you must like some of the videos. You then desire to save them in your computer and wish to play later. But YouTube does not provide download facilities. Yet there are several software to download these videos which you must have to buy. But do you know that you can download YouTube videos without any downloading software. Yes! there are several ways to download YouTube videos without using any software. This page tells you the way to download YouTube videos without using any software. Throughout this page, you will know the following things:

  • How to get YouTube video download link
  • How to download YouTube video
  • How to play YouTube downloaded video

Steps to download videos from youtube without any software:

How to Install Joomla 1.7

Joomla is one of the best CMS to create a good website quickly and easily. Installation of Joomla is quick and easy. In this tutorial, the total installation of Joomla 1.7 will be discussed. The tutorial is created as short as possible because we would like to learn it quickly with simple steps.

Steps to install Joomla 1.7
Before installation Joomla 1.7, you need run a web server and a database server of your computer. For this tutorial, we use apache server and mySQL database for Joomla 1.7 installation. So, before starting the installation of Joomla 1.7, you have to confirm yourself whether the web server and the database server is running.

Note: My recommendation is that if you are not familiar with any web server and database, you may use XAMPP or WAMP.
Follow the following steps to install Joomla 1.7 of your computer:

Step 1: Download Joomla 1.7 [Joomla 1.7 download link] from Joomla website ( After completing download extract it to the web folder. If you are using wamp then extract it to the www folder. At last, rename the extracted folder as joomlaSite.

An Easy Guide to Install Drupal on Your Computer

Drupal is one of the best CMS to build any type of website completely and easily starting from few hours. Installation of Drupal is very easy and straightforward. For this tutorial, we will use Drupal 7 to install Drupal 6. This tutorial does not supported to install Drupal 6.0 or the previous version.

Steps to install Drupal on your computer:

Follow the following step by step instructions, to install Drupal on your computer:
  1. Make sure your server meets the minimum requirements for Drupal 7. Minimumb requirements are: [1]a supported database like MySQL version 5.0 or later, PostgreSQL 8.3 or later or SQLite 3.4.2 or later, [2]a web server Apache HTTPD or Microsoft IIS and [3]PHP 5.2.0 or later. So, you have to complete all the installation of those.

Download Freely Avira Premium Security 10 with Serial License Key for 180 Days

Avira is always the number one choice who are much more concerned to protect his / her computers or laptops form all types of virus or security threats. The new Avira Premium Security Suite always protects your computer or laptop in a comprehensive way against every types of dangers from the Internet. Avira Premium Security offers numerous advantages from the Avira AntiVir Premium. Moreover, the Suite has an extra FireWall as well as an AntiSpam and a backup function in addition to the award-winning virus protection. The license key of Avira Premium Security is of $31.59 for 1 year for one computer. But the great news is that you can get Avira Premium Security free for six months by using a special promotional offer.

How to Download Freely Avira Premium Security 10 with Serial License Key for 180 Days:

Find a good Domain Name for Your Website

Good domain name is always useful to develop and expand your business and website. The key step in developing your website or expanding your business always depends on the good domain name. Besides your business branding, a domain name is one of the most common ways people will remember and access to your website. So a good domain name should be be memorable, catchy and unique.

To find a good domain name, you have to choice: either to choose an existing offline name or to choose a new name related to your goal.

Choosing a good domain name when you have an existing offline name

domain nameYou may have an established company and so you have a good established name and you may want your domain name to be the same (or very close to that name). For example, if your company name is Home Kitchen Aid Mixers then the top of your list will be This definitely distinguish from others as this more significantly distinguish your company form other company. Your name is specific from others and thus you have a good name.

Search Engine Optimization : Brief Idea of Proper Search Engine Optimization & What Isn’t Proper Search Engine Optimization

SEO is simply the short form of Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization or SEO refers the process of preparing the website to be spidered, indexed, and ranked by the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. and so that when any Internet users or visitors search for the keywords relevant to the contents of the website, the website will be appeared on the searched results page. Proper search engine optimization is a not so easy. It is really enough crucial to ensure success and need enough care and diligence to success by proper Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine optimization can be also used for marketing and promotional concerns and thus so Search Engine Optimization is always matter to any niche web sites.

IQ Test Questions and Answers: Some Job Aptitude Test or Aptitude Testing Questions and Answers

IQ test is one of the common test for all types of job or MBA entrance tests. Common IQ test questions are very simple but for the lack of practice most student don't correct them all. In the Internet you may find several test question or online practice test. You may solve them. In this page, I try my best to create  a free test and arrange some practice test questions. You will find one quiz and after that you will find 15 common IQ test questions. These aptitude test is totally free and it also tests your intelligence also. Again, I am saying that IQ test just tests your intelligence. In this page, I set some common and basic aptitude test questions and answers. You will find all the answers at the end of the page. But don't see the answers firstly. Take a paper and then write down the answers and at last check them with the answers.



Some aptitude questions


Aptitude test : 01

A farmer had 20 hens. All but 2 died. How many hens are still alive?

Employing Long Tail Keywords Phrases: Utilizing Long-Tail Keywords Phrases

Keywords i.e. search engine keywords always plays an important role for your website traffic and ranking. But what search engine keywords actually is and how to use this search engine keywords for getting huge traffic and site ranking? Hope, you are interested. But my concern is not only about search engine keywords but also the long tail keywords for getting huge traffic and high search engine ranking. Furthermore, long tail keywords are very helpful for keywords optimization i.e. search engine optimization (SEO).

Why long tail keywords?

Long Tail KeywordsThe concept of search engine keywords is not new and most web publishers and websites are dominating using these search engine keywords. Generally search engine keywords, of these sites are single word based keywords and they are ranking tot the top of the search engines for long time. If you use, those keywords  then it is not easy to dominate with your new site or website or blog. And the solution is long tail keywords for search engine keywords and dominating your website tot the top of the search engine pages.

Web Publishers Tricks to Drive Free Web Traffic: Learn How Bloggers and Online Writers Drive Free Website Traffic

Website traffic monitor helps to find the traffic of your website. Free traffic for blog(s) website(s) is(are) always expectable for all online writers and online blogger. Web publishers apply lots of trick to drive free web traffic. Some tricks to drive free web traffic are easy and some are hard and some methods need to spend some money. But all the tricks are helpful to drive free website traffic for the blogs and websites. This page marks some of the web publishers tricks to drive free web traffic. Reading this page you will understand how bloggers and online writers drive free website traffic to their websites and blogs.

Web Publishers Tricks to Drive Free Web Traffic:

Web Publishers Tricks to Drive Free Web TrafficRead the following paragraphs and learn how bloggers and online writers drive free website traffic:

Unique and quality contents for driving free web traffic: The first rule for getting quality high traffic of your website is the unique and quality contents. Quality contents are always king on  the Internet. To drive much free web traffic, your website or blog must have quality and unique useful contents. The much unique, quality and useful contents your site have, the much traffic your site will deserve.

Quality Unique Backlinks Creation for Your Website: Getting Free Backlinks for Your Daily Blogs

Backlinks are much important as backlinks bring high volume of unique traffic for your website or blog(s). Not only quality backlinks deserve high volume of traffic but also backlinks help higher page ranking to Google, Yahoo or Bing! Thus the organic traffic form major search engines are automatically included of your website or blog. Some of the ways to create quality unique backlinks for your website will be noted in this page. The notes are really effective for getting free backlinks for your daily blogs also.

Quality Unique Backlinks Creation for Your Website: Getting Free Backlinks for Your Daily Blogs

Quality Unique Backlinks Creation for Your Website Around the internet, lots of articles and contents are available fro creating backlinks. Some of the methods to get quality backlinks are free and some of them are need some money to get those backlinks. However, some good tactics for creating quality unique backlinks will be pointed here in the following sections:

Backlinking through Profile Links: First Method for Quality Unique Backlinks for Your Website(s) or Blog(s)

Smartly Remove "Welcome to the Frontpage" Title Text in Your Joomla 1.5 Website by Easy Tricks

After new Joomla! 1.5 installation, 'Welcome to the Frontpage' title appears on the Frontpage of your website (Joomla! website). Probably, you tried your best to remove this text lots of time but you fails. For the beginners, it seems difficult to remove totally. Sometimes, Joomla! experts may tell you this is by default and not possible to remove. But is it true? Not at all. Yes, it’s possible to remove "Welcome to the Frontpage" title text in your Joomla 1.5 website by easy tricks. Removing this title text, always make your website more smarter then pervious! In this page, you will find the secret tricks to remove smartly the "Welcome to the Frontpage" title text in your Joomla 1.5 website within few seconds.

Smartly Remove Welcome to the Frontpage Title Text in Your Joomla 1.5 Website by Easy Tricks

Customizing all free default Joomla 1.5 template footer texts by removing or editing default Joomla 1.5 texts!

Including all the default templates like rhuk_milkyway, ja_purity, beez templates or other templates which you generally download form Internet and install that for your Joomla site, you always find a footer link like Powered by Joomla!. valid XHTML and CSS or Copyright by like links. All these footer links are not desirable and you generally not like to display those links for your website. This can be easily customize or delete totally form your Joomla 1.5 website’s footer part. Not only you remove those texts and links, but also you can create your own customize links and texts there. Here, you would find the total instructions for customizing all free default Joomla 1.5 template footer texts by removing or editing default Joomla 1.5 footer texts!

Steps to customize all free default Joomla 1.5 template footer texts by removing or editing default Joomla 1.5 template texts:

copyright textsThe good news is that customizing all free default Joomla 1.5 template footer texts by removing or editing default Joomla 1.5 footer texts, is not so hard as people thing. Rather it is simple if you follow the following steps. Just follow the mentioned steps below to customize all free default Joomla 1.5 template footer texts by removing or editing default Joomla 1.5 texts!

How to create your subdomain in simple control panel on godaddy, hostgator, bluehost or others?

Most domain owners are much interested to create at least one subdomain of his or her own domain(s). But most of the time they failed as they do not fully understand the total steps to create subdomain in simple control panel. Generally, most of the people are purchased domains from GoDaddy, HostGator, BlueHost or other renowned domain registrar or domain hoster. Practically this is very simple and easy to create your own subdomain in the simple control panel on GoDaddy, HostGator, BlueHost or from others who are providing domain registration and domain hosting. This page illustrates you the total solution to create your subdomain in simple control panel on godaddy, hostgator, bluehost or others.

What is Subdomain?

subdomainBefore going toe the section to create your subdomain in simple control panel on godaddy, hostgator, bluehost or others, you may have a clear idea about subdomain. Yes, do you know what is subdomain? Subdomains are the third level domains that are used to organize your web site contents like folders under you’re the root directory with a special URL to access the site.

For example, is the main domain and the subdomain of this may be like More real example is that is the main domain and one of the subdomain of this domain may

Searching the Internet from the Start Menu in Windows 7: Tips & Tricks to Search the Internet from the Start Menu in Windows 7

To search anything in the Internet, people open the browser and then go to search engine and finally type the desired thing to the search engine. All operating system has the same thing to search. And no short cut is still updated of this search feature. But for Windows 7, searching the Internet is just simple and easy using the start menu of Windows 7. This really saves time and interesting to search through the Start menu of Windows 7. This page tells you the way to search the Internet from the start menu of Windows 7.

Quick Steps to Search the Internet from the Start menu in Windows 7

Each day we search lots of things through search engines like Google, Bing etc. But people do this, opening a browser then go to the search engines (for example Google) and finally typing the work in the search engine and hit Enter key. A lot of work indeed! But there is an easy solution if you are a Windows 7 user. You can do this same search using a trick of Windows 7. Just follow the following steps to learn this great tips and tricks to search easily by simply two clicks and one time typing your search terms:

How to Create “Hello World” C++ Program in Windows Using Microsoft Visual Studio

For the beginners of programmer, the first program is always start with “Hello World” program. Actually, the aim of this program is to make understand / learn the C++ beginners about the basic structure of C++ which can just simply print a text. C++ program can be done using the simple notepad to many other IDE. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a C++ program, “Hello World” program using Microsoft Visual Studio. I use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate to write the tutorial of Hello World C++ program in Windows environment (my operating system is Windows 7, however you can do the same thing to other version of Windows operating system).

How to Create “Hello World” C++ Program in Windows Using Microsoft Visual Studio

Follow the simple step by step to create the “Hello World” C++ program in Microsoft Operating system using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.

How to Change Twitter Profile Image form My Twitter Account?

After creating your own Twitter account, you would like to change the default image of your profile page. Moreover, you would be interested to change the profile image time to time. If you have any blog or website, then you may be also needed to change the profile page image of your Twitter account.  In this page, we will discuss how to change the Twitter profile image from the Twitter account.

How to Change Twitter Profile Image form My Twitter Account?

Anyone can change the profile image of his / her Twitter account following some simple easy steps. Follow the following steps to change the profile image of your profile account:

What if Someone Buys Choose an Alternate Domain When Someone Buys!

You would like to have a personal website. What to do? Definitely, you must have a domain name. A domain name is the name of the site which you would like to create like and you must have to register it form any domain registrar spending some money. One of my friend recently like to purchase a domain using her name. But she fails and ask me for help. Her query is that she could not purchase / buy the desired domain and she told me that what to do? I then asked her what was the name of the domain? She replied me that she like to purchase the name with her own name. I understand that and I told her that she was unable to purchase that domain name. Later she ask me, what if someone buys her domain? Like her, you may also face the same problem with same query. If so, then what is the solution? In this page, I will mention what is the solution of that type of problem?

box with domainsThe first point, we have to remember when we would like to get a domain that whether that domain name is free or not. If not, probably you are not able to get that domain until the domain is released by other(s). So, when you don’t find the domain name which you would like to choose but already purchased by others then you should have to think the alternate solution.

Changing Default Title tag of Blogger for Better SEO:How to Edit the Default Title Tag of Blog for Best SEO

The default Blogs / websites which are hosted using Google’s Blogger platform (sometimes referred as Blogspot), display the blog title firstly and then the name of the post which the blogger has been created and published. This system is not effective for better / best SEO (search engine optimization) for your blog as as this made keywords from your post titles appear after your blog title. So, for better / best SEO for your blog, the good choice is that the title should be based on the name of the post (which has been published) and then the blog / website name (specially this is required when the contents are appeared on the search results on search engines!). This page explains the details to edit or to change the default title tag of Blogger/ Blogspot blog for better (our choice is: best not better) SEO (search engine optimization).

How to Edit (Change) the Default Title Tag of Blog for Best SEO

Simple and easy to change the default title tag of Blogger for better SEO following some steps. Remember, this hack and tricks is useful only for better SEO (sometimes best SEO) for your blog or website. Go to Layout>Edit HTML in your Blogger dashboard

What Types of Files Does Disk Cleanup Delete of Windows 7?

Using Disk Cleanup tool of Windows 7, you can delete unnecessary files from your Windows 7 computer and can increase the performance of your Windows 7 computer. In the previous post Delete Unnecessary Files in Windows 7 Using Disk Cleanup:How to Use Disk Cleanup to Delete Unnecessary Files in Windows 7 and What to Do When the Hard Drive Space Is Getting Low of Windows 7 , we discuss about the usage of Disk Cleanup for your Windows 7. In this page, we will discuss which types of files are deleted by Windows 7 Disk Cleanup.

Types of Files Does Disk Cleanup Delete of Windows 7

Windows _ Disk_CleanupAll the lists of files which are deleted by Disk Cleanup of Windows 7 are the followings:

  • All the downloaded program files: When you use Internet, some small web page programs are downloaded onto your hard drive which are only needed for that time but they are stored on your hard drive. When you run Windows 7’s Disk Cleanup, those small web page programs are permanently deleted.

Delete Unnecessary Files in Windows 7 Using Disk Cleanup:How to Use Disk Cleanup to Delete Unnecessary Files in Windows 7?

You need to delete unnecessary files from Windows 7 to free up hard drive space and to keep Windows 7 running efficiently and fast. To do this, you may use a Windows 7 utility named as Disk Cleanup program to delete files that
your system no longer needs.

How to Delete Unnecessary Files in Windows 7 Using Disk Cleanup Utility:

Simple and easy to delete unnecessary files from Windows 7. Just the matter of some few steps. Follow the following steps to delete unnecessary files from Windows 7:

What to Do When the Hard Drive Space Is Getting Low of Windows 7?

With no doubt, Windows 7 is the best operating system of Microsoft. Hard drive space is one an important factor to get the best performance of your Windows 7 computer / laptop. Generally a 20% free space of your hard drive (Windows 7 installed drive), boosts the performance of Windows 7. So, you should be aware how much free space is available on your Windows 7. Do you know how to check the hard drive free space. If not, my recommendation is to read Checking Hard Drive Free Space in Windows 7 where you find the ways to check hard drive free space in Windows 7 computer. But what to do if your Windows 7 hard drive has not enough space or the hard drive space is getting low of your Windows 7 computer. This page tells you what to do when the hard drive space is getting low of Windows 7 computer / laptop.

What to Do When the Hard Drive Space Is Getting Low of Windows 7?

hard drive spaceWhen the hard drive space is getting low of Windows 7, you can do three things to get extra space i.e. to free some space of your computer:

How to Check the Total Storage Space of Your Gmail & Picasa Web Albums Storage Space

If you have a website which is hosted on Google’s Blogger or if you are using Google’s Picasa then the storage space really matters. Typically, the email space which Google provides for anyone freely is much enough storage space. But the Picasa space is not much compared to Gmail storage space. Anyway, do you know the total storage space of your Gmail or Picasa Web Albums storage space. If not, then read through the page and discover the ways to check the total storage space of your Gmail and Picasa Web Albums storage space under Basic storage usage of your Google’s account.

Steps to check the total storage space of your Gmail and Picasa Web Albums storage space:

To check the total storage space of your Gmail and Picasa Web Albums storage space, of your Google’s account, follow the following simple steps:

Checking Hard Drive Free Space in Windows 7

It is not difficult to check how much free space your computer / laptop hard drive has on your Window 7 computer / laptop. Checking the hard drive free space is important because when you run out of room on your hard drive, installation one or more programs or creating more documents is not possible. Generally, Windows 7 is installed on drive C of your hard drive. So, when the hard drive’s free space gets low less than 20 percent of the total hard drive space (Windows 7 installation drive), then Windows 7 runs slowly. For all the reasons, it is important to check hard drive free space in Windows 7. This page tells you the ways to check hard drive free space in Windows 7.

How to Check Hard Drive Free Space in Windows 7:

Simple and easy – to check the free space of Windows 7. Just the matter of some easy steps. Follow the following steps to check to check the free space of Windows 7:

Page Speed Test Tool: a Web Page Speed Analyzer of Google

How to measure or analyze the content of your web page, have you any idea? You have a nice website but do you know how the pages are loading fast or slow? To measure this, many web owners build their own application or use several extensions with Mozilla Firefox or Chrome. But all these are not necessary as Google Speed Test Tool is available now! Using Google’s Spped Test Tool, you can easily analyze the content of your web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster. Moreover, reducing your website’s page load times, can reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates.

What is Google’s Page Speed Test Tool:

  • easily analyzes the content of a web page or any websitepagespeed
  • simply generates suggestions to make that page faster of the web page or the website.
  • and thus finally helps to reduce the bounce rates and increase conversion rates of your web page or website

Ask a Question / Express Your Opinion / Reply

Internet is the best place to find everything. Using Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask or any other search engine, anyone can resolve all types of queries easily. But many people do not get / resolve the queries easily. They try their best to find but sometimes fail. Often it occurs that the desired response(s) is(are) not totally resolve his / her expectation. Even some queries still have not proper clear answer. So, what is the solution for the situation like that?

The solution is pretty simple. Either search again or ask more in the comment section of similar types of contents. Yes! this is the best way to resolve the queries.

Today, we are introducing a new section of hideMyTips to resolve such type of queries. Ask here to get a response. We the members of hideMyTips like to hear form you which you are interested. You may ask anything here in the comment section. Need any suggestion or any fix, why not tell us! Just give a try and find whether you find the answer.

Note: Your questions are always very important. It may happen that you get the answer one or two days later based on the coming questions. 


Ask any question in the comment section, to get a useful satisfaction response…

Creating a Custom Sites address for Your Domain’s Google Apps Sites

When you are thinking a professional web the domain name and the domain related sites should be professional. Recently Google Apps is widely used and Google Apps include several services like email, sites, calendar, contacts, docs etc. freely if you are a domain owner.

If you are using the Sites feature for Google Apps, then generally the default address of your sites is Is it professional? Hopefully not. The professional address for your sites should be like and  all people are much interested for this type of custom web address for your sites. This is fully professional. For example, the domain for this site is and Google Apps sites feature can be accessed through the address So, to make this address more readable and professional the address should be like In this page we will describe how to create such custom sites address for your domain step by step.

Creating a Custom Sites address for Your Domain’s Google Apps Sites:

Creating a custom sites address for your domain’s Google Apps is professional and makes your domain’s feature more smarter. In this tutorial page, you will see how to create a custom sites address for your domain’s Google Apps sites. We will do all the things for the domain However, all the steps for this tutorial remain same and you just have to replace the domain name hideMyTips with your own domain name.

How to Setup Google Apps Email for your Domain

Have you your own domain? If you have then the good news is that you can integrate your domain name to your email addresses with Google Apps. Professional email address (support@hideMyTips) is always accepted than the common address like or Professional people always behave like professional and they like to use professional email.  So an email address and the website is more professional as the email domain matches the website. Hope, you are also looking for this type of thing. In this page, the detail step by step instructions will be provided to setup Google Apps email for your domain which make all the emails professional.

How to setup Google Apps email for your domain:

By setting Google Apps email for your domain, you are creating professional email address of your domain. Professional email address is always smarter. Follow the following steps to setup Google Apps email for your domain:

Web Address Mapping / Sub-domain Address Mapping: Mapping Your Site to Your Own URL or Your Custom URL

If you are interested to appear your website / site under a custom domain URL that you control, such as (for example or (for example: you can have your site appear at that URL by going through a process known as mapping your site. After doing this, people navigate your site, they will remain on (for example or (for example: unless they click an external link. For doing this, you need have to work just few steps. This page will provide you all the information to do mapping your site to your own URL or your custom URL.

HideMyTips always interested of real tutorial. The tutorial which is discussed (with snapshot) in this page is created during the time when is created.

To point visitors to this new URL, you might also have to make changes to your CNAME record, which controls what aliases are associated with your domain.

Template and Extensions for Rapid Media

Rapid Mead site is a company website and needs a decent outlook and flexibility to  arrange all the web contents. That’s why it needs a good decent template and for easy content arrangement it needs some extensions. Among all the extensions, some extensions are the core extensions which are already installed during the Joomla! installation time and one other extension is the contributed extension which can be downloaded freely.

Template for Rapid Media (A Dynamic Company Website)

Each company website need a decent template. Rapid Media has chosen Premier Corporate template which is developed using Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Artisteer. The front page of Rapid Media will feature the About Us page.

Rapid Media’s Website

To build the website for the company Rapid Media, we will follow the following pathways:

  • We will create an About Us page to focus about the Rapid Media company
  • We will create a new documents repository Downloads where the company could list and upload all of Rapid Medias’' business brochures, software, important documents and so on
  • We will display a page view of the list of publications
  • We will create page views of information about the company and products, submitted as blog posts and other pages which are the necessary for the company of Rapid Media
  • We will create a simple Contact form to communicate between visitors / clients and the company
  • We will create a simple menu to link to the content for easy navigation to any web visitors

Rapid Media—Building a Company Website

Rapid Media is a small company / business organizer, who are creating and delivering innovative ads, brochures etc. Recently Rapid Media feeling the urgency to put all the information about their business and products on the Internet to expand their business rapidly. . So, they are in need of creating an useful website which will be the icon of the company's main information.

Rapid Media wants a website with some informative pages like:

  • An About Us page which will describe the business of Rapid Media
  • A Document Repository from where all the company's brochures and software and other important files can  be downloaded easily
  • A Latest Information blog to deliver people what the company is currently doing and the future plan of the company
  • A Contact form for the site visitors / clients to send e-mails to Rapid Media.

This type of company website can easily done using Joomla. Our mission is to create a corporate website which will meet up the business goal of any company like Rapid Media. In this page, we describes just the Rapid Media’s requirements and nothing else. The whole tutorial will be published module by module. Hope, you enjoy. In the next tutorial, we will discuss what to do to build the website for Rapid Media.

Note: This is a tutorial which includes several steps and all of them are published sequentially. Stay connected and visit this website page for other part of this tutorial. Moreover, you may be subscribed to this site to be updated always. Just put the email address of the right top subscription link and get the latest update instantly when published.

How to Find / Detect Memory Leaks /Problems in Windows 7?

Finding memory problems or memory leaks can easily detect using Microsoft Windows 7. All the issues related to detect the memory leaks and failing memory can solved easily. When you you suspect that a computer has a memory problem that is not being automatically detected, then you can easily detect using Windows Memory Diagnostics manually. Just a matter of few steps and Windows 7 can give you the proper result regarding the memory. Just relax and let Widows detect any type of memory problem or memory leaks.

Steps to detect memory problem / memory leaks in Windows 7:

Complete the following steps to detect any type of memory problems or memory leaks of your computer using Windows 7:

How to Set Google as the Default Search Engine (Google URL Search) in Mozilla Firefox

Search to Google through Mozilla Firefox, is your old habit? But recently you find that the search is done by megaupload or ask or enips etc? Do you like that? For me, the answer is not. Google is the Mozilla Firefox's’ default search engine and most people like to search through Google. But by installing some add-on or some toolbar or software then you may find that the default search is done with other search engine like Yahoo, Bing, AOL or the other depending on the toolbar. But don’t worry, you will get quickly back Google as the default search engine again by following some simple steps. Just read the instructions to do that.

Steps to set Google as the default search engine:

Default search engine of Mozilla Firefox address bar can be configured easily. Follow the following steps to set Google as the default search engine of Mozilla Firefox address bar:

[01] HideMyTips IQ: Try an IQ!

Math is always simple but tricky sometimes. I like math. Thinking sharply and trying any math, helps you to solve many math. Every exam i.e. in job exam, you find several math to test your IQ. IQ questions are really easy to solve. Just concentrate and then try to solve the IQ. Here, I represent you a math IQ. It may seem to hard. But not hard at all. My request is not to see the solution or answer of the question. First try and then solve. At last check the answer whether the IQ which you predicts is correct and wrong!

HideMyTips IQ Problem:

Look the following figure. What number should be replaced by the question mark?

5 5
4 9
10 0
3 3
? 0
8 40

Note: My personal recommendation is to try it first. Then see the solution whether you are correct or wrong. It really makes you a smart IQ guy.

Blogger Introducing Five Fresh New Ways to View Your Blog!

Blogger, the best platform to publish and to share or distribute your own thoughts and life or anything which you like. The old concept of blog was just to share your own thoughts with your friends, family and more. But the concept is totally changed now and day by day it’s changing. Blogs are now used not only share the personal and family expression but also bloggers are use their blogs to publish tips and tricks, to publish websites, to publish contents, to publish photos, to publish videos of several types and to publish lots of tutorials. All this are the end? Never. The most amazing part is that many bloggers are earning much revenue by displaying AdSense ads beside doing those.


How to Update Mozilla Firefox?

Mozilla Firefox, the best browser for all the Internet users around the world. Using the latest version of Mozilla Firefox  is always good as more securities are included and more features are also included which is easy to easy for your daily Internet browsing, online shopping etc. But do you know how to update Mozilla Firefox? This seems hard if you do not understand the ways to update Mozilla Firefox. One of my friend ask me today that he is using Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and he wants to update Mozilla Firefox to the latest version of Mozilla Firefox. Are you looking for this type of issue? Then welcome you to this page. Here, you will find the details step by step to update Mozilla Firefox to Firefox’s 4.0 version. Remember, the version is not the matter here, but the matter is to update Mozilla Firefox to the latest version of Mozilla Firefox whichever version it is.

Steps to update Mozilla Firefox

Step 1: At first open Mozilla Firefox browser.

Step 2: To check whether there is any new version of Mozilla Firefox is available or not, you just have to click on Help menu and then choose Check for Updates… by single clicking.

Open All Network Connections List in Windows 7 or Vista Quickly!

Windows 7 or Windows Vista is good to use but for me the most annoying part is to access the all the network connection lists immediately. When I was using Windows XP before launching Windows Vista or Windows 7, I feel quite simple to access the network lists in Windows XP. But for Windows 7 or Vista, I don’t feel good to find all the network connection lists immediately. I  think, you also face the same problem! But don’t worry. In this page, you will learn this and find that it is simple and easy to open all the network connections list in Windows 7.

Why do need to open all network connections list in Windows 7 or Vista?

You need to open all network connections list in Windows 7 or Vista for several

Resize a Partition in Windows 7 or Vista Freely!

Windows 7, the best popular operating system for all types of user, offers you to resize any partition freely. If you are a Vista user, do not worry. You too can resize the partition of your Vista computer or laptop freely. Both the Windows 7 and Vista provide a free built-in functionality in Disk Management to shrink or expand partition(s) as you like. The great interesting and good news is that using this tool, you no more need any third party utilities!

How to access the Disk Management in Windows 7 or Vista to resize any partition?

Follow the following steps to access the Disk Management in Windows 7 or Vista to resize any partition:

Can I Really Earn Money By Blogging? How to Earn Money through Blogging?

Earning money can be easy or hard. But the fact is that to start earn some money is not always easy. But the true thing is that its possible to earn some money i.e. some decent money by blogging. Blogging is really easy and absolutely anyone can do it if he / she has a little patience. But the thing is that: if you are a beginner to earn money like figure figure of your early income this is really difficult and most blogger often get disappointed at the beginning. Remember, you start earning through blogging with small amount of money and it becomes more day by day not the starting day of your blogging. If you are really interested then you have to do some work to earn some money. You may work for blogging as part time basic or full time basic. So, be careful yourself if you really interested to earn money through blogging as more than of 90% of the bloggers who start this journey to earn money, fails to earn money.

Easily Create a Sitemap for a Blogger Blog

A Sitemap is the way to tell Google about your website’s pages which Google might not otherwise discover. You may have a new website or new blog. But is your website is well recognized by Google or Yahoo or Bing? Your website may have good quality contents but as the website is a new, you may have face problem to recognize your website to Google or other search engines.  Moreover, sometimes your website has few pages and those are new and then it may needs some time to know your website to search engines. Anyway, our target is to create a sitemap for the blogger blog. It’s easy and simple to create the sitemap of your blogger blog. Just follow the following steps to create a sitemap for your blogger blog.

Steps to create a sitemap for a blogger blog:

Sitemap is really necessary to rank your website to search engines and thus the search engine optimization of your website easily has done. Follow the following steps to create a sitemap for your blogger blog:

How to Change the Home Page of Mozilla Firefox?

I like to page Google when I open Mozilla Firefox. One of my friend help me to that few months ago. Before today, I do not know how to do that. I thought it is not a easy task. But the fact is that it is easy to change the home page of Mozilla Firefox with your desired website like Google or Yahoo. In this page I will explain how to make Google as the default home page of my Mozilla Firefox. If you would like to make homepage Yahoo or other site, just do the same procedure. Now, let’s see how to do this easily!

How to change the home page of Mozilla Firefox to Google or others?

It is simple and easy to make the home page of Mozilla Firefox to Google’s site. You may apply the same procedure for other sites also. Just apply the following steps:

Easily Create Additional "Add a Gadget" Spaces of Your Blogger Blog!

From the Page Element feature of Blogger / Blogspot, the Add a Gadget feature is easily visible after successful log in to your blogger blog. But this feature is not enabled to all the template portion. For example, in the header section, Add a Gadget  section is missing. So, what to do if you would like to add the latest post or some text or Google ads to the top of your blog? The answer is no or yes? The answer is yes, this is possible to add this type of feature of the blogger blog. This page, describe the ways to do this task easily. Following the instructions, you can easily create additional Add a Gadget spaces of blogger / blogspot blog.

Steps to create additional "Add a Gadget" spaces of Blogger blog:

It’s simple and easy to create additional "Add a Gadget" spaces of Blogger blog; Just follow the following steps to create additional "Add a Gadget" spaces of Blogger blog:

Get Quickly Google AdSense Parser to Parse Your AdSense Code for Your Blogger Blog!

In the page What Is AdSense Parser? Why AdSense Parser Is Required to Any Blogger?, we discuss about the Google AdSense Parser. AdSense parser is a tool or a program which generates code for your blogger xml code to display Google Ads when you insert those parsed code inside your xml post. If you simply copy the Google AdSense code and paste it to the post section to display Google Ads then, the blogger is unable to display the ads. To do this, you first have to copy the Google AdSense code from your Google AdSense account and then parse it and finally add those parsed lines of code to your xml file. Thus the post area becomes live and ready to display Google ads. adsense code and parsed code

What Is AdSense Parser? Why AdSense Parser Is Required to Any Blogger?

Google AdSense is one of the best choice for all web publishers who like to earn some money by displaying the Google Ads to there websites. Like me, every one wishes to earn much money daily using this Google AdSense. But is it really easy? Or what to do? Yes, you can earn easily if you have unique, good and quality contents which does not violate the AdSense terms and conditions and if you properly put all the Google Ads to your websites or web contents. Many web publishers often have the website which are hosted to Google’s Blogger / Blogspot. The blogger blog is based on xml template. Adding the AdSense ads to this template is just simple and easy. The thing you have to copy the AdSense code form your Google AdSense account and paste that code to the Blogger blog using the gadgets.  But adding the ads to the post content area is not like that. If you do the above methods, the ads are not displayed. Web publishers have to do some work to add the Google AdSense ads inside the contents / post area. So, to format the original Google AdSense codes which can deliver the Google Ads to the post content are, everyone is needed a AdSense Parser. So, a AdSense Parser just encode the original Google AdSense code which can be added to the blogger post area to display Google Ads.

Why AdSense Parser Is Required to Any Blogger?

Showing AdSense Ads Under Each Post Title in Blogger to Earn More from Your Blogger Blog

Speed up your AdSense earnings by placing AdSense (Google AdSense is a free program that empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on a wide variety of online content.) ads under under each post title in blogger. Lots of blogger already earning double or triple or even more after deploying this techniques. Method to display AdSense ads below the post title is not hard rather simple. Just a matter of simple steps only. Follow the steps to show Google AdSense ads under each post title in blogger to earn more from your blogger blog.

Steps to show Google AdSense ads under each post title in blogger to earn more from your blogger blog

Follow the following steps to show Google AdSense ads under each post title in blogger to earn more from your blogger blog:

AdSense Code Between Title and Post

Naive Glossy Green Blogger Theme–a Free Blogger / Blogspot Template for any Blogger

Features of Naive Glossy Green Blogger Theme Template

  • Naive Glossy Green Blogger Theme template Template Layout: Naive Glossy Green Blogger Theme Template is a two column free awesome template. Template contains one menu bar, one header, one content area and one footer. Content area is divided into two parts: one sidebar and the main post content area. Moreover, footer can be easily customizable to three columns. For details read the tutorial How to Add Three Column Footer to Blogspot Blog?
  • Template Width: Naive Glossy Green Blogger Theme Template has the width of 900 pixels with no outline pixel margin and 0 pixel padding. And has a 200 pixels right-sidebar which added easy navigation feature throughout the blog.

Blogger Template with Three Column Footer! :How to Add Three Column Footer to Blogspot Blog?

Most of the recent website or blog has three column footers at the end of the website page or blog page. Most visitors including the website owner or the blog owner like this feature.

3 column footer

Steps to add three column footer to Blogger / Blogspot Blog?

Adding a three column footer is not very difficult. Just a matter of some simple steps. Follow the following steps for adding a three column footer of your Blogger / Blogspot blog:

Add More Than Ten (10) Static Pages to Your Blogspot / Blogger Blog

Google’s Blogger is now very smart as Blogger / Blogspot supports pages feature. This feature is a wonderful feature and using this feature you may turn your blogger blog into a good website. Using the pages features of Blogger, you can add up to ten pages as the default Blogger allow you to create ten pages. After adding ten pages, the NEW PAGE button has been disappeared. But what to do if your required more than ten pages? Is it possible? The answer is Yes. You will learn the tips and tricks to create more than 10 pages to your blogger blog.

Adding more than 10 pages to your blogger blog - Edit Pages_1300469195634


Easily Remove Ask Toolbar from Your Computer Instantly

ASK Remover
Ask Toolbar is one of the search tool which is a tool of With no doubt, always search the best thing like Google and one of the popular search engine. And the toolbar ask toolbar is like that to search for you.
The toolbar ask toolbar is good and it installed several ways. Most of the time when you install some software then the toolbar is installed automatically with the software. Generally, it shows you whether you are interested to install that toolbar. As we are hurry during the software installation time, we generally not aware of this option and the toolbar is installed with that software.

Mistakes to Avoid to Any Affiliate Marketer: Beware of the Affiliate Marketing Mistakes!

affiliate program mistake

Affiliate programs or affiliate marketing can help to the affiliate marketer to earn money. Anyone can be a affiliate marketer but earning through affiliate programs or affiliate marketing is not always easy like the web affiliated sites offer. I think it is much more difficult then earning through AdSense programs like Google AdSense. Anyway, the goal to this page is to understand anyone who are interested of affiliate programs or affiliate marketing to earn some revenue but do not know the mistakes which he or she have to avoid during his / her affiliated program life. So, if your are going to think to earn some money then you should have to know some of the things you have to avoid and earn much.

The first mistake that the affiliate-people do, is thinking of becoming rich with short time through the affiliate program without any work. So, most people often go to the programs and then failed. Actually, affiliate programs or affiliate marketing is a type of business to promote a product and when a person will buy that product the you will be paid a certain value of commission. Otherwise, you would not be earn money.

How Most People Waste Their Time to Earn Money?

mistakes ot earn money working from homeHow to earn money working from home? You may be know that or not. But the truth is that you can earn money working from home. Earning through Internet working from home, is becoming popular now-a-days. Most people who earn through Internet love much to earn. So, online money earning is now a big hit throughout the people and some people are happy when they earned much. But what others? Lots of people are trying to earn but success only a few persons.

Before going to the main contents, I want to say something about how to earn money working from home? It’s simple and easy. The thing you just need a website and some unique good quality contents. Then integrate your website with any AdSense like Google AdSense or Yahoo Publishers etc. In this post, I shortly mentioned that. But the main thing which I want to mention is not related to tell you details about the money earning form working from home.

Use a Favicon for Your Blogger Blog: How to Create Favicon for Your Blogger Blog?

faviconDo you know what is favicon? Favicon is just a tiny / small icon (actually an image) which displayed at the beginning of the address bar of any browser (like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer or others). Sometimes it is referred as Favorite Icon, Page Icon and Url Icon.

Why Favicon Is Used?

Blogger / Blog owners are interested to add favicon for their blogs for the reasons of:

  • Favicon makes easy to find the blog / web-site when anyone bookmarked the web-site / blog among several other web-sites / blogs.

Installation of Joomla 1.6: How to Install Joomla 1.6?

Joomla 1.6 Installation

Joomla is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) and application framework that powers 2.7% of the entire web. Currently Joomla 1.6 is just released with lots of flexibility to create a dynamic website as you like. This page describes the total step-by-step installation of Joomla 1.6 for your dynamic website.

Steps to Install Joomla 1.6 for Your Dynamic Website:

The installation of Joomla 1.6 is same like the Joomla installation 1.5. Yet this page is explained the installation of Joomla 1.6 of your website. Just follow the step by step procedure to install Joomla 1.6 for your dynamic website or blog or any website:

Remove or change "meta generator Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management"

metatag change in Joomla 1.5

For better optimization of your Joomla! 1.5 website, you need to change the the meta generator Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management according to your website contents. This can be done following several ways. But in the below, the best and easiest way will be discussed for all the Joomla! 1.5 website owner. Just follow the following steps to to remove / change "meta generator Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management":

Change Joomla 1.5 admin Password: How to Change the admin Password in Joomla 1.5

Sometimes, you may need to change password of admin user of Joomla 1.5 site. You may need to change the password several reasons.

Supported Joomla! Version:

This tutorial supports Joomla 1.5.x. However, the procedure is more or less same for other version of Joomla.

Pre-Requirements to Cover This Tutorial:

  • Joomla! (Joomla 1.5.x, 1.6.x and other versions) installed website
  • Accessing to the admin panel

Steps to Change the admin Password in Joomla 1.5:

You can easily change the administrator’s password of your Joomla 1.5 site form the control panel i.e. the admin panel. Just follow the following steps to change the admin password of your Joomla 1.5 site:

How to Install an Extension in Joomla?

Time to time for different purposes, we need to install several extensions for our Joomla website. Installation of any extension in Joomla is totally easy and simple. This tutorial will cover how to install any Joomla Extension for any Joomla website.

Supported Joomla! Version:

This tutorial supports most of the versions of Joomla including Joomla 1.5.x, 1.6.x and many more.

Pre-Requirements to Cover This Tutorial:

  • Joomla! (Joomla 1.5.x, 1.6.x and other versions) installed website
  • Extension(s) that we would like to install
Steps to Install an Extension in Joomla!

Follow the following steps to install any extension for your Joomla website. Remember,