HideMyTips is actually a personal blog for my life. Every day I browse through Internet. Lots of topics are daily posted to lots of sites. Several times, I tried to figure out lots of tips and tricks for my daily life. Generally, I search them to Google. Today, I decide to build one of my personal blog. I don't know why I choose this.
A little history of my blogging life
I am actually a student. I start blogging many days ago. I published many blogs based on many topics. But the problem is that it is really hard to manage to all the blogs. I published several blogs based on my great exclusive wallpaper collections, SEO tips and tricks, blogging tips and tricks and many more. But I find it is continuously very difficult if I go through all of the blogs. So, I decided myself to start my blogging life through one single blog. I named it as HideMyTips. Here, I will continuously publish my daily contents. I totally determined to stop blogging to all other blogs and to go with this single blog.
A little history from my HubPages life
I am also a writer of HubPages, I already have published some hubs there. The total amount of visit rate to my hubs more than one thousand per day now a days. Currently I am struggling to increase it to two thousand at the end of this month. I don't know whether it is possible or not. But I am struggling to do that. Hopefully, I will be success to reach my goal. If you wish to write in HubPages then you can also write there. The benefit I generally find form HubPages is that it brings me some money every day. I use them for my daily expense. That's why I really like HubPages.
And that's all. This is the simple but real view of my real life about blogging in Google Blogger and HubPages. No more right now. Hopefully, you will be really like my writings and other things.