Many people like to have a domain name and it’s best to choose a .com domain name instead of other domain extension. This page gives you a brief idea why it is better to choose a .com domain name instead of .net or .org domain name.
Many domain extensions are available today on the internet. Lots of domain seller like GoDaddy, BlueHost, HostGator etc. domain seller sells lots of domain with a varieties of extensions like .net, .me, .org and many more extension. But anyway, which domains do the domain registrar sells, .com domain name is the most popular among all the domain names.
Many bloggers have commonly experienced a problem that if they have any other extension other than the .com domain name they loose a good number of visitors to visit their websites. It is seen that even if the visitor enters the domain name correctly – he/she tends to hit the ctrl+enter keys together, which causes the site/blog traffic to go to another website. Thus it creates a problem to the bloggers to visit their website or blog.
Moreover, if you search anything to Google or Yahoo or Bing, you will notice that all the search results are from the .com domain name. There are also results from .net or .org etc. site also. But the majority of the result comes from the .com domain extension. So, as far as Search Engine optimization is concerned – it is always safest to stick to a .com domain as it gives enough searched result and most popular.
Some people have the intension to make a experiment to use a .biz domain name for their company. Here, once again the people failed to create the brand and finally failed. This is totally horrible when you failed such type of situation. Two of my friends choose .biz extension for their website and they changed the .biz name to .com name after two months. After changing the .com name, they noticed that the visit rate increases to 37 times and they told me the thing. So, it’s the .com which always wins to all the domain extensions.
Throughout this page, I only want to mention about the reason to choose .com domain name instead of .net or .org or other. It is mentionable that .net like domain name also good and many .net like domain is popular around the world. But the best one is to choose a .com domain name as most people have the tendency to type only the domain name and hit Ctrl + Enter key together to access the website. So, my personal recommendation for all these reasons choose a .com domain name to easily get the traffic or to get the visitors easily and easily indexed by search engines.
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