How to Add Your Blog or Website to Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites. But how to use Google Analytics? You have blogs or websites or forums. But you don’t know the ways to use Google Analytics for all these blogs, websites or forums. Don’t worry. The detail step by step procedure for adding Google Analytics will be found in this page and you just follow the steps to do all.

  1. Click on Sign Up Now Option to Create an Account Go to Google Analytics by typing the address to your browser address bar. Remember, you must need a Google account to use Google Analytics for your blog or site or forums. So, if you don’t have any Google account, you must have to create a Google account firstly. When the Google Analytics page opens, click on Sign Up Now option to create a Google Analytic account through your Google / Gmail account.
  2. Login in to your Googel Account When you have done the above step, you will find a sign in prompt to log in to your Google account. Put your email address and password to the Email and Password field and click on Sign In button.
  3. After step 2, Google Analytics offer you Sign Up for Google Analytics option. Just click on Sign Up button to Sign up Google Analytics. Remember, you must have to click on Sign Up button to sign up to Google Analytics. Otherwise, you cant sign up to Google Analytics. Click on Sign Up option
  4. Now, the Getting Started page will be appeared. Here, you will find some text field which you need to give information. Just fill the following information to the respective fields and click on Continue button.
  5. In this step, you have to enter your Last Name, First Name and Country or territory. Now, click on Continue button.
    Account Setup for Google Analytic
  6. Click on Create New Account after agreeing the terms of Analytics Google Analytics now displays all the terms and conditions of Google Analytics. Just read all the terms and conditions of Google Analytics and click on the check box Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions and click on Create New Account button to create a new account of Google Analytics.
  7. After the above steps, you find the Google Analytics tracking code. You just need to copy the tracking code, then paste it onto every page you want to track immediately before the closing </head> tag. The tracking codes like the followings [In the field 'UA-1234567-1' will be your own tracking code for Google Analytics]:
    <script type="text/javascript">

    var _gaq = _gaq || [];
    _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-1234567-1']);

    (function() {
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);


  8. At last, click on the Finish button to complete the Google Analytics for your webpage, blog or forums.

  9. Choose Design option Access to your blog by visiting the address  or and select the blog which you want to add the Google Analytics tracking code. After choosing the blog, click on Design option of the desired blog which you like to add the analytics code of Google Analytics.

  10. paste the analytic code You will redirected to the page of Page Element page. You will find the link Add a Gadget and just click on that. After clicking on that option, a new window  will be popped up and you have to choose the Gadget HTML/JavaScript from the gadget pane option. Now, just paste the tracking code in the Content text box and click on SAVE button to save all the code to your blog template.

And that’s all. By following the above steps, you can easily add Google Analytics to your blog. Hope, you are able to add tracking code of Google Analytics to your blog. If you face any difficulties then please tell me in the comment section, I will try to solve your problem.


Google Analytics is totally free and anyone can use it for their website, blog or forums.   
Implementing Google Analytics to your blog is very easy. You just need to copy the tracking code and then paste it to a gadget to your blogger template.

New Look of Google AdSense Unit for Content Ad Units

Google AdSense is a money earning program for the publishers to earn money. Google AdSesne displays the relevant ads to the content pages of the publishers website or blog and when the publishers click on the ads it generate revenue for the publishers and thus publishers are benefited through their websites or blogs or forums. Lots of AdSesne companies are available in the world but Google AdSense is the best among all of them. Google AdSense is really reliable to earn money and lots of people are earning money around the world through Google AdSense program.

The format of Google AdSense is really attractive and now the great new is that it becomes more attractive for all the Google AdSense lovers. Recently, Google AdSense declares that Google AdSense is going to publish new formats of ads very soon. Google AdSense announce about these to Google AdSense’s official blog that they revamped design of three of Google AdSesne for content ad units! The change is actually done based on analyzing publisher site layouts and reviewing requests around the world of Google AdSense publishers. Google AdSense already doing a lot of time experimenting with different possibilities. Google AdSense announce to the AdSense blog like following about this changing issues:

  • Leaderboard (728x90): the title, description, and URL are now arranged in rows instead of columns (except in the case when only one ad is showing)
  • Medium and large rectangles (300x250, 336x280): the URL is now in the same line as the title
new Google AdSesne units

In the above figure, you will find the new outlook of Google AdSense for the publishers to earn more revenue through their web contents of the websites, blogs or forums. These changes of Google AdSense will roll out over the next few weeks and already some people have find the changes.


How to Backup Your Blogger’s Blog Posts?

Sometimes, you need to take the backup of your blogger blog posts. You may need to take back up your blogger blog for several reasons. Lots of tutorials are exist throughout the Internet to take back up of your blogger blog. I also need to take a back up of all the posts of a blogger blog and need to publish to another blog. Anyway, you need to do that for several reason. Here, you will fin a complete scenario to take the black up all of your blogger posts. Just follow the following steps to learn the ways to take the back up all the posts of your blogger blog.

Steps to back up your blogger blog posts

  1. Log in to by using your blogger Username (Email) and Password.
  2. choose settings form the specific blog After successful logged in to your blogger blog, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page of your blogger account. Choose the blog which you need to back up the blogger blog posts. After finding the specific blog, you will find a option named as Settings. Just click on the Settings option. For example, is one of my blog. I have some posts of that blog. I just logged in from by typing my username and password. Later I choose the option Settings of that blog from the Dashboard pane.
  3. Choose Export option Just simply click on the Export option from the Setting’s Basic option and you will find a download link after that step.
  4. Click on the button of DOWNLOAD BLOG and save that to your computer hard disk.Click on Downlaod Blog button to download your blog contents

And that’s all. After finished downloading that file, your blog’s posts will be downloaded to your computer.


  • Download your blog everyday because it will help you in the future if you face any problem of your blog.
  • The total downloading time of your blog posts actually depends the total number of posts of your blog have. If your blog have much posts then you have to wait some time for the total download of your blog.

The Milestone of a Successful Blogger

successful blogging step by step Lots of bloggers are existed in the Internet. Some blogs are very popular and some are very useful for our day to day life. But others are not. To say frankly, blogging is easy. But it is not so easy to make your blog popular from the beginning. I am a blogger of some blogs. I write there several tips and tricks related to successful blogging etc. related to blogging. I am also a owner of two popular SEO blogger where hundreds of visitors visit to learn some SEO tips and apply those techniques to those blogs. But my intension is not to advertise myself. Rather I want to mention some of the milestone of a successful blogger should be. These milestones are really effective for successful blogging and make your blog popular. Following you will find some of the milestones to be a successful blogger:

  1. When you should start blogging, remember that your blog should not be about you.  The blog should be about your audience and your visitors..
  2. Writing all things don’t make your blog popular. Just find a unique niche and then start your blogging. This is really effective to all the visitors of your blog and it makes your blog popular.
  3. Managing all the contents of your blog is really difficult to manage and publish. So, you may take helps from others to mange and publish some of your blog contents.
  4. Sometimes, you may get the idea of contents form the visitors of your blog. You must thank them when they will try to help you or offer some great idea about the contents.
  5. You should have to make comments to other similar blogs and it really help you a lot to become a successful blogger.
  6. One think forget about making quick money through your blog. Lots of people are not able to success for this reasons. Actually money making through your blog is possible but it need proper time and work.
  7. In your blogging life, you must teach yourself to be an authority in your niche to be a effective good successful blogger.
  8. You may apply lots of effective techniques to promote your blog constantly. This definitely brings lots of targeted visitors to your blog. So, promote your blog as you can.
  9. You may offer others to write contents. Bur don’t forget to publish them to your blog. This generally brings the back linking to your blog which generally brings lots of visitors to your blog.
  10. And the last thing is that you must have to love blogging. Otherwise you will not success in blogging.

Throughout this post, I tried to explain shortly what should be the milestone of a successful blogger. Publishing lots of blogger may be easy. But to become a successful blogger is not always easy. You generally have to spend some time and techniques to do those. And that time you become the successful blogger.

Hide or Remove the Blogger Navbar

If you have a blog from Blogger or Blogspot, then probably you have noticed that there is a navigation bar at the top the blog. This navigation bar is referred as Blogger Navigation bar or sometimes known as Navbar. Lots of people ask the question that How to hide or remove the Blogger Navbar. Blogger Navbar provides several useful features with different colors.

Most people like to disable this Navbar as they think this is not necessary for their blogs. Anyway, there are many ways to disable or delete or remove this Navbar from your blog. But I do not mention all the ways or different methods. I only describe the easiest method which I apply to my blog (HideMyTips) to hide the Navbar from that blog. Just follow the following steps and you can easily remove the Blogger Navbar easily from your blog.

  1. Log in to your Blogger blog through the address  and use your username (Email address) and password to log in to your blog account.
  2. Choose Design option After successful logged in to your blog, you will access the Dashboard of your blog. From the Dashboard, choose the blog which you want to disable or remove the Navbar. After selecting that blog, you will find an option named as Design. Just click on the option of Design. 
  3. Click on Edit HTML tab From the Design section, you can do lots of changes to your blogger blog. But we are not explaining all of them. Rather we will discuss about the technique to hide or remove the Navbar from your blog. Just click on the option Edit HTML tab under Design tab. From this option you just need to add some code to remove or disable the Navbar of the blogger blog.
  4. Find out the following code to the blogger code:

  5. Now, paste the following code just before the above line of code (code which mentioned in step 4):
    #navbar { 
        display: none; 

  6. Click on SAVE TEMPLATE button to save the changes Lastly click on the SAVE TEMPLATE button to save all the changes you have done.

And that’s all. By applying the above steps you can easily remove the Blogger Navbar or disable the Navbar from your blog. Hope, you can easily do all this. If you face any difficulties then tell me in the comment section, I will try to solve this issue.